It is not a secret that the mobile domain is rapidly growing. The mobile users can now find various apps from video editing apps to mobile banking apps. That is the reason why mobile app testing tools became popular a lot.
However, what is mobile application testing?
It is a (complex) process in which apps designed for mobiles are tested for consistency, usability, and functionality. More precisely, testing includes 6 different categories
- Installation Testing
- Memory Testing
- Performance Testing
- Usability Testing
- Functional Testing, and
- Interruption testing
Thanks to app developers, you can now find millions of tools online that will guarantee quality. We do not want to say that the majority of them are a scam. Yet, some of them possess more quality. That’s why we want to highlight a couple of them that mobile users should use.
Table of Contents
1. pCloudy

This app started to work in 2012. Since that time, the tool itself went through a huge progress period. Now it is one of the most suitable app testing tools that hundreds of global organizations use to test their applications. Their goal is to find a way to simplify the current non-effective process of on-device.
The first thing that we should mention is that users can test applications on multiple devices. That will speed up the entire process. Despite that, you will be able to run tests on automation testing tools such as Espresso, XCUITest, and Appium.
So, if this app seems interesting to you, we suggest you go to pCloudy and find out more.
2. TestComplete Mobile – SmartBear

The good thing about this app is that supports the two most popular operating systems – iOS and Android. Thanks to this tool, the users will have the opportunity to run hearty and repeatable UI tests crosswise over mobile or local apps.
If you are an entrepreneur, then you will be more than happy to hear that this up is a business versatile testing app. It can automate your UI tests on emulators, virtual machines, and cell phones.

For every user, stress testing is a crucial approach. You need to know the limit of mobile users that your website can handle. That’s the moment when this app becomes helpful. You can test any type of situation and know exactly what your iOS and Android clients encounter.
The tool allows users to record contents directly from a mobile device. It utilizes a mobile test system with JavaScript. Besides that, it also incorporates an ongoing web dashboard.

One of the key features of this app is the constant testing of mobile apps. Thanks to this feature, the entire process is high quality and quick. Despite that, there are a couple of features that we would want to highlight as well.
With this tool, the testing works in parallel on various Android and iOS mobile app development company gadgets. Thanks to this ability, it gives accelerate discharge cycles and fast input. Despite that, the users will get reports that include recordings, screen captures, and log documents. We recommend you use test examination dashboards to comprehend the quality status.
Finally, there is also a “debug” feature. With this app, you can debug the app that bothers you directly from your development condition. A good example of that are XCode, Chrome DevTools, and Android Studio.

Do not think because of the name that this tool only works with Android OS. It is equally useful for both, iOS and Android users.
This is actually a cloud-based app testing instrument that helps engineers to reduce the costs behind app improvement. Despite that, it also allows them to publicize the item in a timely manner and reduce the whimsical and operational costs.
We do not have the intention to glorify this app. Yet, it is one of the speediest ways to test the app against any type of Android and iOS gadgets.
In order to stay objective, there is one disadvantage that many people will not like. The price of the app is high and it changes. However, it is definitely one of the strongest portable mobile testing stages. Despite that, it allows users to access a bit more than 300 genuine gadgets.
Appium Studio

Well, this free tool improves Appium testing and assists associations in quick discharging quality apps. There are a couple of benefits that this tool can bring to users.
First of all, the entire testing process must start in the first couple of minutes. However, there is one feature that is great. You can test iOS even on Windows machines. It also easily records or composes test utilizing a gadget reflection such as XPath and Object Spy. The users will be able to cover more utilize cases on any gadget and with any app type (web, local, half and a half). Finally, it will decrease the operating costs that you would usually have.

This tool is actually an open-source type of instrument. It comprises three different segments – Scripts, IDE, and operators. IDE makes test contents utilizing record and playback while Scripts incorporate sentence structures, Java execution motors, and catchphrases.
Finally, the feature that will make happy many people is that this app does not require any solid programming or scripting learning. The tool itself organizes emulators and gadgets.

This time we will focus on mobile app testing tool only on Android. Thanks to this tool, Android users will be able to test Android UI for free. It everything except difficult to compose capable programmed black-box test cases. An even better thing is that no additional requirements exist for gathering data associated with a structure or executed classes of the Android app.
Yet, we need to mention one thing. This instrument is not quite good for cooperation with framework programming. The reason for that is simple. It does not provide a screen capturing option.
So, our conclusion is that this app is easy-to-use and perfect for beginners. Yet, it has some disadvantages that might limit your work. Of course, that depends on the reason why you want to use mobile app testing tools.