Nowadays, there are so many different things and ornaments you can use to breathe in life into your old piece of clothes. You can add badges, patches, and even enamel pins that are the main topic of this article. Keep reading this text to learn how these pins are designed and how you can make one on your own. Click here for more information how to design your own patches
The very first thing you need is an idea. Think about how you want it to look and what message you want it to convey. These decorations are a perfect way for you to express your opinion about certain things or even your character. When it comes to their design, the sky is the limit which means that you can use them to show your affection towards a cause or maybe even a hobby.
For starters, you should sketch your design. Our advice is to keep it as simple as possible, especially if this is your first design. Why? Well, too many unnecessary details probably won’t look good on a small pin. Also, avoid complicated shapes and lines because they will make a manufacturer’s job a lot harder.
Vivipins.com a custom enamel pin manufacturer who has a quality design team who can help you out to make your design work easy to produce. With Vivipins, you get high-quality custom pins at an affordable price.

Then the next step is to turn your sketch into an image on your computer. You can use programs such as Adobe Illustrator, or any other kind of editing tool. Scan the drawing and start improving it. Add more details, change its shape and size, include different lines, try out a variety of colors, fonts, etc. Basically, this is your time to shine. Create something that you will wear with pride, but at the same time, something that is easy to make.
Furthermore, you have to know about different types of enamel pins that are available so you can choose the best one for your design. Some of them are:
- Hard Enamel has a smooth surface across the entire pin. Because they have the most professional look, most people opt for them.
- Soft Enamel has more texture since the metal outline is raised above the rest of it. Manufacturers can also add an epoxy cover that will give it a smooth and shiny look.
- Sandblasted and 3D contain no enamel and are great for simple designs that require no color.
- Printed pins also contain epoxy whose main purpose is to keep the image in its place. This is not very popular options, but it is great for pictures that are too complex, and just cannot be turned into an enamel pin.

The final step is to choose the right manufacturer. There are a few things to consider. First of all, inquire about the minimum order quantity. Usually, you have to order a certain number of pins, but again, this all varies between different companies. Moreover, check out their website. Here you will find what their offer is, as well as the conditions, but also customer reviews. Opt for a company that has been in business for quite some time meaning they have a lot of experience in this field such as www.enamelpins.com. Inquire about the delivery time. Lastly, choose the company that has friendly and professional customer service meaning that you can contact them any time you want and they will gladly answer all your questions.