While some providers are offering us to use packages with unlimited mobile data, there are still many that don’t offer that option, at least not for a reasonable price. While you think that the package of 20GB per month is enough and that you won’t be able to spend that in 30 days, the use of various apps and online services can be much more than you think. That is the reason why you should always check the remaining mobile data, at least once a day.
In case that you spend all your data for one month, the provider might charge you a lot of money for every KB you spend over the free amount. That could lead to hundreds of dollars that you will have to pay because you were not checking the status of your data on time. There are many ways for tracking the use of mobile data on your phone. If you often forget to check the status of your data, you should download some app that will help you with that. Here are some of the best ways to monitor data on your phone.
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1. Hoverwatch
Hoverwatch is a free app that you can use to track various kinds of data on your smartphone, such as call history, locations, SMS, social networks, contacts, and many more. Also, this app is available for Android, Windows, and Apple devices. The main advantage of this software is that you can monitor your children’s devices without them noticing. You can monitor various things like other devices, browser history, SIM card changes, location of other devices, and many other features. You can monitor a maximum of 25 devices if you choose the Business Program.
2. DataMan
DataMan is an app for iPhone users, and it can provide you with data related to both cellular and Wi-Fi connections. You can set a limit, and this app will notify you when you are near that limitation. It is not a free app but the price of only 99 cents is available. Also, you can choose a Pro version which is much more expensive.
The main benefits of this app are improved transparency and the ability to analyze the consumption of data by hours. However, it might get a bit confusing when you start using it because there are some advanced options. Also, you can connect the app with the watchOS.
3. myAT&T
If you are using services from AT&T provider, maybe it would be best to download their app for monitoring the data consumption. Moreover, you can use this app to see your bills, promotions, or to upgrade your contract with this company. This app is available for both Android and iOS devices.
The benefits are that you can monitor your whole account instead of just data consumption and that you can see all the important news and information from the service. However, the downsides are that sometimes this app provides you with the wrong data, and it has a poor design.
4. GlassWire
GlassWire is one of the best data trackers for Android devices, and it can track data limitations, consumption, and Wi-Fi connections. Also, it can show you if there is an app on your phone that is causing a slower speed of the internet or spending too much data. Moreover, it can act as a sort of anti-virus, and block apps that are not responding or wasting too much energy and cellular internet.
The biggest advantage of this app is that you can see the chart with a full explanation of which apps you are using, and what amount of data they are spending every day. You can also monitor the current speed of your cellular data, and notify if your internet suddenly became too slow.
5. Data Usage
Data Usage should be a standard app in every smartphone because it provides all the necessary information about the consumption of the internet, the amount of your monthly bill, and allows you to set a limit and alert you to avoid spending over that limitation. This app is only available for iOS devices.
The main benefit of this app is that you can connect it with your contract, and it is very easy for handling. However, there are some downsides like lack of Android support, and that there are no recent upgrades.
6. My Data Manager VPN Security

This app is one of the most useful in this list, especially because it can also provide the user with increased security, besides the ability to track the data usage and limitations. Also, My Data Manager is available for both iOS and Android devices.
The advantage of this app is that you can easily monitor the data spending and get various reports. However, there are some issues with VPN security because it causes problems when you are trying to download apps from the app store sometimes.
7. My Verizon
All people who are already paying for a subscription of Verizon Wireless can use this app for free. Also, you can use MyVerizon for various services besides checking the data consumption, like buying concert tickets, gift cards, or iTunes music.
While some people complain about this app and its often promotions and limited reports, most of the users are satisfied with the interface, design, and accuracy of this app. Also, you can use it in every type of smartphone.
8. Data Eye
Besides the ability to check the cellular data, this app will also help to save battery life by alerting you if there is an app that spends too much energy and the internet. Apart from that, you will get some interesting promotions from other apps as well. In case that you are leaving the country, and forgot to turn off the internet while roaming, this app will notify you on time.
Also, the promotions are in a separate chart, which makes the Data Eyeless annoying than many other similar ones. There are no pop-ups, and the user interface is simple. The download is free, and it is only available for Android users.
9. Data Counter Widget
Data counter is a simple app that will show you how much the internet is spending and distribute that chart of consumption on various apps to see if any of them are spending too much. The basic free version can also provide you with the ability to set a limit or to notify you when in roaming.
There is also a paid version that costs 1.5$, which can provide you with some additional features and statistics related to data consumption, battery life, and many more. However, the free version is just fine, since it can precisely show you the amount of data you are spending every day.