If you’ve ever come across a student or are one yourself, then chances are the word ‘stress’ will come up in the conversation at least once or twice. And the statistics sadly back up that fact. Whichever website for statistics you trust more, most of them will tell you that the stress and anxiety levels, alongside seeking professional counseling is on the rise among the student population.
With so much on their plate, trying to balance perfect grades and personal life, many students turn to meditation as a way of dealing with stress. Meditating on the daily doesn’t just help improve mental health, it also makes your studying sessions more efficient and shorter later on. If you’re interested, check this website out! Here, you will learn some other interesting facts about meditation, as well as how to achieve true inner happiness, as well as peace when studying!
Table of Contents
Top 7 Benefits Meditation Brings To Students
1. Improved Attention Span

Students have to shuffle between several different courses and even more tasks related to studying every day. It’s the brain’s nature to get tired of repetitive actions such as reading blocks and blocks of text. And that’s where meditation comes in! While meditating, you’re training your mind not to wander off and to stay sharp and clear as much as possible. By simply thinking and feeling the way you breathe will increase your attention span and soon you’ll find reading a semester’s worth of work to be easy! One of the many studies conducted regarding meditation showed that as little as four days of meditating helped the subjects lengthen their attention span.
That means, if you’re studying from some of the best summaries, lecture notes, books and other study materials from studocu.com, you will excel in your studies.
2. Increasingly Good Memory Skills

With a now focused and clear mind, improving your memory with meditation just comes naturally. Faulty memory isn’t a sign of an old brain by any means, just of a very tired and stressed brain. Neuroscientists monitored brains to see what is exactly going on in there when we meditate. And interestingly enough, the centers for long and short-term memory lit up! This directly proves that meditation does improve your memory. In some cases, meditation showed signs of slowing down dementia and even Alzheimer’s. Our brains function much like a muscle – they need to be used to stay perky and healthy. It all has to do with an improved blood flow to all brain cells, which is facilitated by, you guessed it – meditating. So, meditation a day keeps a failed exam away!
3. Thinking Positive

This one might sound strange, but it’s true! Students that think in a more positive way, tend to have better results and of course, a happier student life. Rewiring your brain to have this kind of mindset can be achieved with meditation. After all, the top three reasons why people meditate are: to reduce stress, gain focus, and be more mindful. When we’re under stress, it feels like a pinball machine is in our head. But that annoying pinball can be controlled with practice! By concentrating on your breathing or imagining your happy place, you put a stop to all the negative emotions and worries. Just keep repeating it and in no time you’ll feel calmer and more energized.
4. Understanding And Embracing The Struggle

We’ve mentioned mindfulness before, but what does that actually mean for a student? In the crazy life of a burdened young mind, many things pass by unnoticed and go straight to the subconscious level. This is why many students experiencing stress also report insomnia, anxiety as well as rapid heartbeats. While meditation isn’t a magical cure to all the problems an average student has these days, it most definitely helps in dealing with them! In the meditating technique, usually called just ‘mindfulness meditation’ you don’t run from your thoughts, but embrace them instead. Fight them head-on so your next study session can begin with a clear mind!
5. Clarity In Decision Making

Bet you didn’t think meditation had this kind of power too, did you? Similar to the previous one, to gain clarity you first have to let the chaos inside your head run freely. Sometimes our thoughts need to be understood and embraced before the next step. Think of it as a messy room that needs some organizing first before you vacuum or call important guests over. Beginners in meditation often report their thoughts fleeting way too fast (being a scatterbrain) and that’s completely normal! What meditation trains your brain to do is capture those thoughts, analyze them, and store away in a labeled box. Practice meditation before important decisions, such as your education and career path for the future, and let your brain honestly decide for you.
6. Better Physical And Mental Health

It’s no secret that for a long and happy life, you need to be as healthy as you can. Improving both physical and mental health and preventing illness is possible with meditation. Most people will talk about how meditation helped them deal with anxiety, but never underestimate yoga and physical meditation either. If the thought of doing yoga scares you, even simple and gentle movement is considered meditation if done right. For example, mindful gardening is also meditation in away. Just enjoy every moment of your life and keep improving day by day, step by step. And remember, the lower the stress (cortisol levels) the better the immune system!
7. Creates New Social Connections

Everyone knows students thrive in social activities, be it during lectures or after uni hours. And meditation is something that can improve even that! Whether it’s between studying sessions or a dedicated activity with your best colleagues, meditation brings positive change to your student life. The best quality of meditation is that it needs no expensive equipment or a monthly subscription to work. So gather friends and acquaintances all over campus for a mindful session together. Do it before an important exam to ace it with a clear mind, or after for relaxation and bringing positive thoughts about the result.
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Meditation has been around for thousands of years, and for a good reason! It has proven health benefits that can be achieved even in a short period of time. Students should try meditating to improve their focus, memory power, and overall mental health, just to name a few. It can take as little as 10 minutes a day and is completely free, as well as fun to do!