The holidays are ahead of us and decorating the home in the spirit of Christmas and New Year has special magic for everyone who wants to authentically experience those sacred moments over and over again.
In some religions, it is not permissible to embody what they teach and transmit to believers. But in Catholic Christianity, you can make replicas of the events of the birth of Jesus, the appearance of the star of Bethlehem, and similar important moments.
Orthodox Christians often have icons in their homes that they call icons, depicting saints who are important to the church and the faith.
Sacred art is not a new concept in the world. In fact, it is during the holiday season that we can see that it is very common and that it attracts attention wherever you turn.
To understand what we are talking about, we recommend that you check out www.holyart.com.
There you can find a bunch of decorations, like cute little angel figures. Those can be the perfect for your Christmas decoration this year. They also have a Christmas Santa timer which would be perfect for final countdown!
Here you will find so many decorations and works of art that you will not be able to make a choice and buy the most beautiful, because you will love them all at once.
Believers would be more than happy to bring some of the festive magic and authentic events described in the Bible into their homes. For example, you can buy a replica of the wooden cradle of Jesus, but also a figure of baby Jesus to decorate your home together.
If you need more light, choose Winter village in resin iced lake movement lights, as a model of the small beautiful villages and towns we see in the movies.
If you are worried about whether such pieces of art can fit into your home, we can guarantee that sacred art can easily become part of the holiday arrangement.
Table of Contents
1. Do not put too many such works of art

The line between the proper decoration of the home and its transformation into a church is thin. It is very important to do all this with taste, dedication, but also with desire and respect for the holidays and your religion.
Only then will you choose what you really need, without turning every corner of the home into an altar. Of course, not every room is suitable for such a thing. Focus on the living room and the children’s room. You certainly wouldn’t put something like that in the kitchen, would you?
And in the bedroom, it would not be most appropriate, because it is a symbol of privacy. The most important thing is not to exaggerate, no matter how cute you like all those baby Jesus figures and candlesticks with engraved holiday messages.
2. Choose minimalist art
There is no need to suffocate your home with large decorations. If you go back to the page we shared with you before, you will see that there are really cute decorations that can easily fit in your home.
In the spirit of Christmas, you can choose items that are associated with this holiday. Of course, some of them can stay for the rest of the year, as a sign of respect for those events.
3. Sacred art throughout the year

We have already mentioned the households that prefer to have a holy place in their home throughout the year. They achieve this with the help of religious and church objects, icons of saints, but also replicas of the crucifixion of Christ. The Bible is also one of the most important books in godly families.
It is not at all a bad idea to protect it with a book cover on which are embroidered or printed motifs from the Bible or prayers. Want rosaries? There is nothing that can stop you from taking them with you, even when it is not a holiday – because God is what we keep in ourselves, faith gives us light and makes us better people, and religion is a signpost that guides us how to we move through life.
4. Adjust them to the occasion and the holiday

Religious families do not divide the holidays into big and small and important and unimportant. For them, every holiday is big and important and every saint and every event is worth celebrating. But it is important to adapt the sacred art to the occasion and the holiday.
For Easter, use crucifixes and crosses, along with colored eggs and religious decorations. For Christmas, the figures of baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the three wise people, and the star, far from populated areas, are a great way to honor His birth. It is up to you to be creative in what you do and of course, to do it within the framework of good taste, without exaggeration.
5. Be consistent with the tradition
There are so many religions and groups, it is sometimes really confusing to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. In our opinion, it is best to follow the tradition, to talk to your parents and grandparents, to learn as much as possible about your tradition and what symbols you respect, and of course, to talk to a clergyman, to be absolutely sure that what you are doing is right.
6. But allow yourself more color and light

The holidays are about rejoicing in them, our family, our beliefs, and our traditions. Even if you are a devout believer in Bible events, you can easily afford to relax more during the holidays.
Believe me, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that – it is even advisable. Add luminous decorations, in different colors, be cheerful and creative. We are sure that this is not a sin against God.
The advice we have given you, as well as the offer of sacred art, will surely serve as inspiration for you to make a real small altar from a part of your home – of course, if you want it. But you have to admit that such items are really wonderful and that they are inspiring even for those who are not very religious.
Finally, it’s time for the holidays, so enjoy yourself just the way you want.