Plastic – material, a word that has the meaning of “having the ability to shape.” Let’s find out a little more about this widespread substance.
Throughout history, humans have always needed materials like this – which will have the ability to change shape. Ceramics and glass are easy to mold, but after cooling they are brittle and heavy. That is why today there is thermostable and thermoplastic.
Thermostable is molded only once. During manufacturing, chemical changes occur during cooling, so that after cooling, the objects formed do not have the ability to be shaped further. The resulting objects are solid, durable and have a long life.
Thermoplastic is all polymers that can be heated and molded multiple times. This includes some of the most famous ones, but many others we may have never thought of. The molds must be of good quality to allow the plastic to form properly. For more on mold making, check this.
Table of Contents
About plastic

It is used for packaging of various products, food and drink packaging is made of plastic, we use it for making toys, it is an integral part of electrical appliances, computers, chairs, etc.
There are over 10,000 different types of it in the world, and it can be mixed with many other elements, so its use is unlimited.
It is made from oil, which is a non-renewable resource. Although irreplaceable in modern life, plastic is a problem when it becomes waste. If collected and recycled separately, the process saves natural raw materials and energy for production.
Practically all plastic can be treated as composites, whose properties in function of composition and structure, as well as applied production technology, can be modeled in order to obtain materials or products of the required – favorable properties.
However, in a large number of cases with a significant advantage over other materials – at a relatively low cost. This is certainly the basic reason for the widespread use of this type of material today.
It is even predicted that, in the not too distant future, these materials will, on a much larger scale than today, become a substitute for many traditional materials, and that many of them will be in use in some fields to replace non-essential ones, such as metals.
Given the technical and economic superiority of a number of traditional materials, plastics have found applications in both consumer goods and practically every field of technology.
Today they are mostly obtained on the basis of polymers synthesized from secondary products of the petrochemical industry, but also on the basis of components obtained from coal and natural gas processing.
According to some statistics, the annual rate of increase of production of these materials in the world ranges between 5 and 10%, which, compared to about 2% of the annual increase of production of traditional materials, is very convincing about the place that “plastic” already occupies in the world economy today. but also in life in general.
How to cut?
Circular saw

As stated above, the plastic is very sensitive to heat and easily adheres during processing. Their plates are in many cases very thin. It is very difficult to cut and is extremely abrasive.
We offer you a practical solution, which is a circular saw with a thin cutting width that increases productivity. The tool requires less machine load and a minimum cutting width allows maximum utilization.
One-way cutting is possible – the cutting edge requires no additional processing. There should be no heating during the process. Heat is removed by shavings and adhesion of the material is not allowed.
The shape and number of teeth of the tool is in accordance with the type of plastic processed. The optimal design of circular saw and machine accessories is satisfactory for good results.
Laser cutting

Also, another type of plastic processing – laser cutting and engraving.
It is usually done on acrylic materials. It is performed without touching the laser and the surface of the substrate itself so that the process proceeds without dirt and damage around the cut material. The price depends mainly on all relevant factors such as the amount of plastic cut, the thickness of the cut and the like.
We have given you another suggestion, how to deal with this material, and it is up to you to carefully select the experts who will do the work. This type of tech is the most cost-effective in the long run. In addition, because of the widespread use, only your imagination can be a limit to the myriad applications of these products for mass use.
Use of water

If you do not want technology that heats the cutting surface, ie. bring the heat into the cutting area, cutting with water jet avoids this. In order to prevent heating, a jet of water cools the cutting surfaces.
This type of machine belongs to the domain of very precise cutting. The tolerance for this type of cutting is up to 0.05mm. This technology also achieves significant cost reductions. In most cases, the high precision and quality of the cut do not require additional finishing.
It involves cutting various materials with a mixture of water and a 400 MPa pressure abrasive. In this way, the errors present in traditional systems, caused by the rotation of the rotary axis, are avoided and a constant flow of abrasives is guaranteed.
Processing can be done in dual mode, with the desktop divided into two zones. While cutting in one, the operator simultaneously sets/removes a piece in the other zone.
Other ways

We have a few more recommendations for you, and let’s just say it:
Scalpel – The scalpel is an indispensable part of every DIY tool. For its convenience, it is very useful in every household.
The extraction of the blade is identical for all scalpels. By moving the slider forward, a blade is pulled over the body of the scalpel. It retracts by sliding the slider backward.
What sets this scalpel apart from a regular knife is its “sharpening” mode. Namely, when the tip of the scalpel becomes blunt it is only necessary to break it off. The new tip is completely sharp. The scalpel blade is perforated and always separated by marked lines. This way, you can always have a sharp knife-like you did the first day and always get extremely precisely cut plastic.
Jigsaw – Jigsaw is the most universal type of saw. Jigsaw blades are the best option, especially for curve bending. The jigsaw can use a variety of blades optimized for different materials, precision, speed and curved lines.
We hope that we have helped you with information on technologies as well as their application. You have many choices are ahead of you, choose the one that matches your needs best.