Arranging for a party is not a very easy task as it may sound. But it’s not that difficult too, once you have got the things in succession. So you must consider some important factors before throwing a party. These are a few tips you can follow to make your party a hit:
Table of Contents
1. Budget
The first and foremost thing before planning up anything is to make a rough budget as to how much might get spent. It doesn’t have to be more or less. It can always be more or less than that. But if you have a proper and planned list in front of you, it becomes easy to get hold of things quickly.
2. Theme

Never keep a party open-ended; it looks incomplete. Think of a theme; it doesn’t have to be something very particular like for instance movie or cartoon based, color or season based, a time frame, e.g. the 90s, 60s, etc. It can be very random, but a theme should be a must. This helps in making the party more interesting, and thus a lot of things can be arranged for.
3. Games
Never neglect the fun part of getting together and arranging good tabletop games is one way to do it. The first option are classic board games and boardgamesland.com is a great board game comparison site to help you choose the right game for your group. Next comes a series of commonly played games like musical chair, dumb charades, Truth and Dare, Treasure hunt, Dance Freeze, Passing the parcel, etc. these are some all-time games which can never get out of the time.
4. Music

This is the second most important thing to be considered. Select a well-known and commonly loved set of songs to be danced upon; while forming your playlist, select one favorite song of each of your guests so that none feels left out. You can also arrange for romantic and serene songs for maybe a couple-dance or something of the same. Also, set a welcoming track during the entry of the guests. And if it is a birthday then obviously get a birthday track handy.
5. Snacks
Keep ready some generalized snacks, which should basically work as an appetizer. Because after all the jumping and dancing around you can’t really make your guests wait till the dinner time to eat. But try not to set up such snacks which may hinder the hunger for dinner. And also what is a party without random yet frequent munching. You don’t have to serve every snack, just get it kept on a table and let your guests help themselves accordingly.
Arranging for drinks takes into account all of your guests. If a family party, then about the kids if just friends then about those not wanting to drink. In short, getting hold of hard drinks, cocktails (if planned) then don’t forget to arrange for some other types of soft drinks like cold drinks, mocktails, etc. or else such people may just feel awkward.
6. Dress code

In comparison to your theme, select a dress code. For instance, if your theme is the 90s, the dress code should be black and white or ethnic and others accordingly. The theme will mainly backbone the dress code. Dress Codes are also a must. It will make the party all the more fun and quite surprising. After all, let your invitees put on their thinking caps also.
7. Venue
When choosing the venue, be very careful. Your invitees may not reach up for the party if you set up such a venue. So while choosing a venue first get an idea of the mode of transport they might easily use to get there. Choose a venue that is in a convenient position. Because more than arriving guests are more worried as to how they might reach back home, especially if it’s a family party with kids around.
8. Decoration

Decoration of the place is definitely not a mandatory factor. But honestly decorating your room with lightings, candles, paper cuts, etc. gives a totally different visual to the room and with that comes the feeling of the party. Also, parties in a word mean clicking lots and lots of photos, and it is a known thing that photos are better clicked in different lights. If photos are clicked well, your party is an instant hit.
Only the decoration is not sufficient. Arrange your house according to the need. Like for example, do away with all sorts of furniture that may come in between playing and dancing. Remove any inflammable things or breakable things like mirrors. Always have your sitting arrangement in some distant place from the dancing ground. Try to get hold of folding chairs rather than the normal ones so that it easies up the work.
9. Clean-up
Make sure to give your room a massive cleaning. From basins to bathtubs, do not even dare to leave anything unwashed. Scrub each and everything. Clean up the chairs, mirrors, tables, plates and glasses, etc. Don’t make a mistake to opt for soap, choose a liquid hand wash or body wash for the washroom. Change your hand towels to big rolls of toilet paper. Do these necessary basic changes.
10. Time and date

Once again, this depends on the guests that are being invited. Go for such a date and time so that people don’t have to hurry to leave for home. Maybe a Saturday night or some holiday night so that they can leave late night and opt for a peaceful sleep after the day’s exhaustion. The moment you don’t choose such a date and time your guest list is sure to get reduced.
Wrapping Up
These are some of the basic things that need to be remembered; others are; keeping provision for guests wanting to stay up, also keep your first box in hand so that at times of need you don’t have to go around looking for it, thirdly make it a point to keep a fire extinguisher. Following these few guidelines will make your party an ultimate success.